Electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft promise a quieter, greener future of urban mobility. However, limited battery range restricts their potential. Joby Aviation, a leading eVTOL developer, believes it has a solution: hydrogen power.

The company recently unveiled a hydrogen-powered version of its eVTOL, which successfully completed a 523-mile test flight. This significant milestone expands the potential of eVTOLs beyond urban areas, opening doors to regional travel.
Joby acquired H2FLY, a German startup specializing in hydrogen fuel cell technology, in 2021. The new aircraft incorporates H2FLY’s fuel cell system, which combines hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity. A 40-kilogram liquid hydrogen tank powers the aircraft’s motors.

While batteries still play a role in takeoff and landing, hydrogen’s superior energy density is the key to extended flight times. This breakthrough could redefine air travel, offering a cleaner and more efficient mode of transportation for longer distances.
Joby plans to launch commercial battery-powered eVTOL services next year. The successful hydrogen-powered test flight suggests a future where these aircraft can serve both urban and regional markets. This development marks a significant step forward for the eVTOL industry. As technology advances, hydrogen-powered aircraft could become a crucial component of sustainable transportation systems.
Reference- Joby website & PR, TechCrunch, The Verge, Futurism, Popular Science