According to recent research findings, scientists have discovered that accumulation of microplastics in human brain has increased many folds. For this research they examined brain tissue of deceased individuals between 1997-2024. The research data showed a dramatic surge of microplastics in last eight years.

The study, led by University of New Mexico toxicologist and professor Matthew Campen found that the average human brain today contains 7 grams of plastic, equivalent to one plastic spoon. Furthermore, they found significant microplastics in other organs, including the liver and kidneys.
Our understanding about the permanent impact of these brain-residing microplastics on human health remains scarce, yet scientists are deeply concerned. This study also found high microplastic levels in dementia-afflicted brains but more research is needed to establish causality.

These tiny plastic particles, which are often smaller than 200 nanometers, can easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier, a protective shield that normally prevents foreign substances from entering. Scientists are still trying to figure out the routes these microplastics follow to enter human bodies. Professor Campen thinks microplastics may be using lipid molecules, but further research is needed.
Plastic products that surround our daily existence create an insurmountable obstacle to contain their wide dispersion throughout environmental systems. Earth will remain fully contaminated with microplastics in foreseeable future even if plastic production is ended today.
Reference- The Guardian, National Geographic, Journal Nature Medicine, Futurism, BBC