
Sweden Is Building An Emission Free Society

The climate emergency is a serious threat to global prosperity and security if we do not end our dependence on fossil fuels and build environmentally sustainable societies.

Ignoring scientists’ repeated warnings would be completely irresponsible.

Sweden can lead the way and show that a emission free world is not only possible but can also promote our prosperity and our companies.

In a unique move, Sweden is moving forward with an action plan and the fundamental approach that consideration of the climate must be incorporated into everything we do in society.

The action plan will incorporate answers to the following-

  • Analyze the conditions for introducing a national ban on sales of new gasoline and diesel cars
  • Determine how to exempt vehicles that run on renewable fuels and electric hybrid vehicles from such a ban
  • Deconstruct how to bring about an EU-wide ban on sales of new gasoline and diesel cars and the phasing out of fossil fuels in the EU
  • Make the necessary legislative proposals, albeit not in the area of taxation, where the plan may only analyze measures and conduct impact analyses
  • Propose a year by which fossil fuels should be phased out in Sweden, and the measures needed for this to happen in the most cost-effective manner possible

The plan will help in creating a holistic approach to how emissions will be reduced throughout Swedish society.

Reference- Clean Technica, Swedish Government Press Release