Electric Cars Sale Soar By 40% In Europe
Europe reaches a million electric cars milestone nearly a year after China, which has a much larger car market, but ahead of the US, which is expected to reach theContinue Reading
Europe reaches a million electric cars milestone nearly a year after China, which has a much larger car market, but ahead of the US, which is expected to reach theContinue Reading
Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) conducted India’s first auction of wind power projects in February 2017 in which tariff of Rs. 3.46 was discovered, which was much lowerContinue Reading
The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) administration sought permission from its standing committee to sign an agreement with the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) to install solar panels on fourContinue Reading
Bollywood celebrities are trend-setters, Influencers and everything that they wear becomes a style statement. The steady interest of celebrities in organic fashion has boosted their demand in the market, therebyContinue Reading
REC Group, the number one European brand for solar photovoltaic (PV) panels in India, clocked major orders in the Rooftop RESCO segment in the month of June and July. The total ordersContinue Reading
Ministry of IT & Communication has tested Li-Fi based Internet, and indications are strong that it will be soon launched in India on a commercial basis. Li-Fi or Light FidelityContinue Reading
Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) data indicate that the world has attained the landmark figure of 1 terawatt (TW) of wind and solar generation capacity installed. It also estimates thatContinue Reading
All batteries don’t power electric cars or store energy from renewable sources. Some provide small amounts of power to operate an LED or a medical sensor — functions that canContinue Reading
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