Solar Windows Move A Step Closer To Reality
Just imagine how much solar electricity could be generated around the world if all the windows helped to power the buildings they were installed in. Researchers in Australia are hotContinue Reading
Just imagine how much solar electricity could be generated around the world if all the windows helped to power the buildings they were installed in. Researchers in Australia are hotContinue Reading
Once an expensive curiosity, solar is now cost competitive and set to go lower. It couldn’t come at a better time. As the clean electricity source surges in popularity, it’sContinue Reading
Solar panels today rely on silicon to generate electricity from the sun. The technology has been around for nearly 50 years. Over the past half century, the cost of siliconContinue Reading
UK perovskite solar firm Oxford PV said on Thursday it has achieved a 28% efficiency for a perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell, beating its own world record. The announcement comes aContinue Reading
Houses and office buildings account for 75% of electricity use and windows of these buildings leak energy, so in order to make them energy efficient we need to plug thisContinue Reading
UK perovskite solar firm Oxford PV said on Monday it has reached a conversion efficiency of 27.3% for a perovskite-silicon solar cell, setting a new world record. The result wasContinue Reading
If all works out well, practically any facility that manufactures glass could churn out low cost perovskite solar cells for local markets. Researchers at The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar EnergyContinue Reading
Where does solar energy stand today, and where does it need to go in order for us to make the transition to renewable energy? Let’s look at solar photovoltaic technology,Continue Reading
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