Volvo Cars To Equip Its Fully Electric Cars With Recharge Tyres
Volvo Cars will equip its fully electric cars with Recharge tyres for use all year round as standard in Northern and Central Europe. With a single set of tyres capableContinue Reading
Volvo Cars will equip its fully electric cars with Recharge tyres for use all year round as standard in Northern and Central Europe. With a single set of tyres capableContinue Reading
The share of solar energy in India’s power generation could equal coal-fired output by 2040, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said, driven by falling renewable tariffs and a government pushContinue Reading
Tata Power has signed a power purchase agreement with Tata Steel Limited (TSL) to develop a 15 MW solar project in Jamshedpur (Jharkhand). The energy will be supplied to TSLContinue Reading
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), global carbon dioxide emissions dropped by 5.8% in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic slowed economic activity, but they rebounded at the end ofContinue Reading
Carbon dioxide is actually used for a bunch of things today. The global market for bulk CO2 is about 230 million tons a year, which sounds like a lot, exceptContinue Reading
German solar solution provider Enerparc has commissioned a 716 kWp solar project for the Swiss company Givaudan’s CHF 60 million ($ 6,56,39,760) India plant at Ranjangaon in Pune, Maharashtra. AContinue Reading
The automobile sector is believed to contribute somewhere between 15 and 25 percent of polluting emissions, such as nitrogen oxide, particulate matter, and carbon dioxide. Collectively, these pollutants, which areContinue Reading
A gigantic steel mill named EVRAZ North America’s Rocky Mountain Steel facility, in Pueblo, Colorado is getting a renewable energy makeover with a spanking new 300-megawatt solar power plant. TheContinue Reading
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